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I think everything is inherently sacred, in a way that doesn’t imply that nothing is, too. I also think disgust is part of the human telos and therefore cannot be what I would call ‘simply ignored’, as it seems the stance of kadag does.
I’m a christian, more specifically a young earth creationist and baptist w mostly Lutheran leanings. I’m also an avid reader of lesswrong. AFAIK I continue to believe in the bible due to it seeming most reconcilable w science, although I have doubts of a deist sort.
I mostly agree w on scientific matters.
This is so good!
This “book” is such a good read, I love the tables comparing and contrasting opposites and then adds a 3rd option that is outside the polar dichotomies, yet also simultaneously validates both of the polar dichotomies presented! A very insightful work to why different conflicting belief systems are able to coexist and also offers understandings to mediate the differences! Highly recommend! Keep up the good work!
This schematic seems quite promising; I sincerely hope that ‘17 years’ is a gross overestimation of the time required for it to get further fleshed out.