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Thanks for the pointer!
Thank you, I had a look at the book and it seems really dense! [Especially after being exposed to your exceptionally clear writing on such complicated subjects] But I have little doubt that it will be worthwhile (as most of your reading list has been pretty interesting). For instance, I have been reading Dreyfus’ Being-in-the-World and the pereceptual shift that comes with it is really profound. It’s really interesting how adopting Heidegger’s lens on the world makes questions like “free will v/s determinism” just dissolve away, you know? But I can’t pinpoint exactly how.
That is indeed an amusing acnecdote. Coincidentally, I have Stich’s *Folk Psychology to Cognitive Science” on my reading list to better understand your arguments against cognitivism.
Four years
Well, it’s been four years… is this page any closer to the top of the list? I really want it, too!
I think this is honestly the
I think this is honestly the biggest cliffhanger you have on your website. Is it anywhere near the front of your writing list? If not, can you point towards some reading on the subject? Thank you!