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Mass and magnets
Well, I brought the wrong example with phlogiston. My point was that if gravitational and inertial mass didn’t coincide (especially if they were so unrelated that they were never grouped together in the first place), then the concept of gravitational mass would be boring. It would be accepted and used, but Newton and Einstein wouldn’t be a level of distinction above the rest of the Hall of Fame.
I mentioned magnets exactly to imply the rationalist mantra “if a phenomenon looks whimsically unpredictable to you, probably you are using the wrong set of concepts”. I wasn’t even thinking of the woo, partly because any field that is confusing (or is popularly known to be confusing) sprouts woo. Radioactivity is a particularly amusing case, because its affect flipped so suddenly from positive to negative.
Gravity (of the situation)
I find the physical examples in “no inherent meaning” to be garbled.
If astronomy were the only science, it could be said that the concept of “mass” is a hypothesis like phlogiston, an itself unmeasurable quantity that is supposed to explain why some observable behavior is consistent. However, both as a matter of the history of physical concepts, and as a matter of more “everyday” practice, mass is first a quantification of inertia as per Newton’s F=ma, and it is in some sense a coincidence that the same quantity also happens to govern gravitational attraction.
Second, the argument in the following paragraph would lead one to ascribe subjectivity to magnets.