Comments on “Enjoyable usefulness”
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Plus one
This will be the most important page in the book (for me).
Same here! Casting my vote
Same here! Casting my vote for more focus spent here :-)
Unsatisfied with enjoyable usefulness
The definition of enjoyable usefulness you gave on this page is cryptic to me. I hope you explain when you expand this page. For now, I’ll ask about this from the last page: “what can I do now to be useful and enjoy myself?”
Why enjoyable? And, useful for whom for what?
Someone from a more collectivist oriented society might not highly value personal enjoyment nor (primarily) usefulness for individual gain. In the West we tend to value our enjoyment and usefulness-for-self over duty, usefulness-for-society, etc. This is a caricature but you understand.
When I say “useful for what” I could also ask “useful for what purpose”. Doesn’t saying “useful” presuppose a purpose, objective?
FWIW, have you heard of Cal Newport? He’s a theoretical computer scientist at Georgetown; he also has a blog about productivity, studying, life-hacks, digital minimalism, etc. One of his books is called “So Good They Can’t Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love”. I get the feeling that there might be significant overlap between his arguments and what you’ll write here.
But, he does go on to write about setting a life mission for your work. I’m ambivalent.
In your Tantra and Flow article you suggest Csikszentmihalyi’s solution to find a unifying life purpose is flawed. Where will you fill in that detail? Is completing Meaningness your unifying life purpose or just one mission that’s enjoyably useful?
I’m selfishly a fan of putting the Purpose section towards the top of your queue. Otherwise, do you have books or article recommendations that align with your arguments here?